Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Year 4 Roman Day

Year 4 had a brilliant time at our Roman Day today. Everyone really looked the part, dressed in togas and soldier outfits. We started the day by tasting some Roman food and then had sweet honey toast, which was delicious! We then got our hands dirty by examining some Roman poo! We found lots of evidence about what the Romans used to eat.

After play time, we turned detective and using our fabulous maths skills, we were able to solve the mystery of who murdered Julius Caesar. In the afternoon we made mosaics and Roman head bands. Here are a few pictures from today.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Fractions in Year 4

In Year 4, today we began looking at fractions.
We looked at what the numerator and denominator is and began writing our own fractions.

Here's how we got on.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Year 3 - Ms Broxup

In year 3 we have been learning about how to write instructions. As part of our topic we made our own woolly mammoths by following written instructions. We are very proud of our amazing outcome therefore we would like to share it with you.

Year 3 - Mrs Cannon

What a fantastic start to the New Year! We have all come back to school ready to learn and excited for all of the brilliant activities we have planned for the term. 

In science, we have been learning all about rocks and fossils. We made our own fossils of wooly mammoths using clay to link to our literacy work of  'How to wash a wooly mammoth'. 

We had so much fun getting messy! 

Monday, 2 January 2017

Year 4 had a super last week in school, before we broke up for our Christmas holidays. We had a class party where we danced, played games and ate lots of delicious food! A big thank you to all the parents who sent sandwiches, sausage rolls, crisps, biscuits and cakes into school - they were delicious!

We also had our end of term treat disco, where we had lots of fun dancing and singing and wearing silly hats!

In year 4 we have been learning about the digestive system. We did a fantastic experiment to show how food passes through our system and how our body processes it. We learnt a lot and also had a lot of fun! It got extremely messy!

Year 4 have had such a busy half term!
We worked really hard to make some amazing decorations to sell at our enterprise day. We had Santa salt dough hands, wooden decorated stars and baubles. Here are a selection!