Friday, 9 February 2018

Maths Day - Ms Broxup's class

On Wednesday, children have taken part in a variety of fun Maths activities:

  • Investigating different 2D shapes, and then using them to design their own robot.
  • Creating magic potions using measuring skills.
  • Learning about The Angle Family.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Year 4 Roman Day

Year 4 held a fantastic Roman day today. The children all looked amazing dressed up in their Roman inspired clothing. We started the day by enjoying a Roman style breakfast of porridge, honey toast and fruit. We then investigated the Roman diet by investigating and dissecting some Roman poo! It was very messy but great fun. We also made some fantastic Roman shields, coin purses and mosaics. We would like to say a huge thank you to all  the parents who came in this afternoon to share our learning. Here are some great pictures from our day.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Ms Broxup's class - Ancient Egypt

Mummies are fascinating relics of the Egyptian civilisation. In year 3, we had lots of fun mummifying our own tomatoes! :)